Some of the most seductively beautiful and wantonly erotic girls you’ll ever lay eyes upon are the strippers you watch dancing at sizzling hot venues like recently premiered and much-touted The Manhattan Club on the Gold Coast.

Watching these honeys undulate their gorgeous bodies beneath strobing lights to a throbbing pulse beat of music sets the blood boiling in the most lascivious way.

Gentlemen can only think of how they can possibly consummate all this building lust for the girl of their dreams twisting & arching and turning naked before them only a few feet away.

While Gold Coast strippers are generally classed in a different category to escorts, it is not entirely unusual for that glamorous nymph to assume dual roles for certain establishments.

Whether it be G-string Cowgirl outfit, or that steaming hot honey in that Cheer-leader G-string, it is a matter of personal choice for the erotic dance babe.

It can also depend on the possible Stripper-cum-Escort’s proclivities and inclinations.

It is not a totally clandestine secret on the Gold Coast that some of the hottest strip clubs on the Glitter Strip sometimes have an exclusive private room.

Here clients with enough lucre can be entertained at the most intimate level by a smoking hot stripper of their choice.

So if you’re ever being entertained at a gentlemen’s club with strippers defying gravity with their blessedly beautiful bodies, and one of these honeys catches your eye and winks at you or smiles a seductive smile just for your viewing, you could take a chance and see if Adam was right about Eve.

Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open unto you, it says in that famous book.

A quiet word to the owner of the establishment, an off-hand whispering in another ear, and that Stripper you’ve fallen for might become that memory of erotic bliss that will never leave you.

Subtlety is the key that just might unlock the chamber of that dancing girl’s heart. So don’t be too blunt about it.

Generally, though, a Stripper’s artistic ability is a different profession from an Escort’s talent for pleasure.

A Stripper teases the client with the most erotic moves possible, classed as look but don’t touch.

She establishes her pure and unadulterated beauty by revealing the erotically perfect zones of her baby hot body while writhing and moving, strutting and turning her sizzling hot stuff.

Sometimes this might be done using a dance pole, sometimes on a catwalk, sometimes on a bull-riding machine, but always to a totally enthralled audience.

So an audience member will feel thrice blessed if he happens to engage the attention of a stripper that is willing to cross from the category of Erotic and Exotic Dancer into that of a Private Escort Gold Coast for your eyes only, after the show.

Don’t be discouraged, the possibility that sophisticated Strippers like the babes found at elite venues such as The Manhattan Club, may also moonlight as one of the elegantly gorgeous Gold Coast Escorts the South-East is famous for.
After-all the affiliated and proximally close, elite brothel, Le Penthouse Suite, is just a short walk away …