Firstly, the best escorts on the Gold Coast may not necessarily be the most high profile escorts, those with rave reviews on adult boards and forums, or with thousands of likes on Facebook and Instagram.

The best escorts on the Gold Coast may be the escorts you find so attractive after a first rendezvous that you offer to be their sugar daddy for a lifetime, even though you’re married and are not a billionaire businessman or an oil tycoon from abroad.

The best quality escorts are the escorts you find at establishments such as Gold Coast Dreamgirls or Le Penthouse Suite Elite Brothel located in Tweed Heads on the Gold Coast.

These establishments, the former being an Escort Service and Agency, and the latter being a bordello par excellence as well as offering an Escort Service, are long-established.

They are also reputable and have become a household name, albeit in hushed tones and mostly from male clients.

There are a number of reasons that make these establishments places where elite escorts can be found and therefore places where the best escorts can be found for you.

First and foremost Gold Coast Dreamgirls and Le Penthouse Suite, are owner-managed by staff who have been involved in the escort industry since the first clandestine brothel on the Gold Coast was opened decades ago.

Mr. X, the owner-manager of the above two organisations, which are beyond reproach, completely legal and much-touted with rave reviews on Facebook and Instagram, as well as making the top ten searches on the Google list, cares for the girls that work for him and manages these beauties with the utmost respect and professionalism.

These girls, in turn, make the elite list of escort babes on the Gold Coast and several if not all of them will send you head over heels in lust for their curvaceous attractiveness and seductive smiles.

Not only are they consummately beautiful, elegant and sophisticated, but they are also warmly affectionate and expertly accommodating in any encounter with a client.

Another reason these Gold Coast Escorts are the best escorts you can find on the Gold Coast is that the management is particularly stringent about the girls they offer to place on their short-list.

These Escorts are above-board healthy, youthful, intelligent, beautiful and exude a certain feminine charisma that will have you drooling at the mouth the moment you lay eyes upon them, or peck a kiss on their cheek, or hold their elegant hands.

There are other escort agencies and brothels available on the Gold Coast, but in comparison, Gold Coast Dreamgirls and Le Penthouse Suite offer the best selection of gorgeous honey blondes, doe-eyed baby brunettes, lustfully lascivious red-heads, and exotically delectable and erotic sweethearts from faraway places like the Orient, the UK, and Canada.

So take the time to peruse the Gold Coast Dreamgirls and Le Penthouse Suite websites, or come to LPS brothel and take a punt on meeting your fantasy dream date of a lifetime.

These Gold Coast Escorts are the best of the best, will set your loins afire, your pulse-pounding and your heart throbbing. You’re sure to find the best escorts on the Gold Coast at cabals of pure pleasure like Le Penthouse Suite Brothel and Gold Coast Dreamgirls Escort Service and erotic sex guide.