How Do Escort Services Work?

How Do Escort Services Work?

Escort Services provide beautiful women to accompany clients for private engagements that might include a dinner date, an overnight stay, intimate contact or all three events for a contractual fee. The services provided by an escort are distinct from prostitution....
Do Strippers Work in Brothels?

Do Strippers Work in Brothels?

Some of the most seductively beautiful and wantonly erotic girls you’ll ever lay eyes upon are the strippers you watch dancing at sizzling hot venues like recently premiered and much-touted The Manhattan Club on the Gold Coast. Watching these honeys undulate their...
Do Brothels Host Private Events?

Do Brothels Host Private Events?

Akin to the Hilton Hotel maintaining a private ballroom to host private functions and events, a brothel can hold gatherings such as a corporate function or celebratory party if it has the facilities and if it is licensed to do so. Generally though, rather than hosting...
What Really Happens in a Brothel?

What Really Happens in a Brothel?

On the Gold Coast, the modern day brothel has come a long way from seemingly sordid places situated on the outskirts of town and spoken of only in hushed tones. They are now to professionally managed, sophisticated establishments offering the finest in erotic...
How does a Business Ensure Discreet Credit Card Billing?

How does a Business Ensure Discreet Credit Card Billing?

There are a few reasons why a client or customer visiting a business prefers their credit card billing to be discreet and not indicate the type of service or product that was paid for. On the Gold Coast, commerce is thriving and many businesses don’t list the actual...